Sunday, March 25, 2007

more thoughts on midterm

my midterm lesson plan was infact dealing with the term "new media", and what new media is to highschool students. i chose a non digital based project for a multitude of reasons. one reason is that making an instilation, or a temporary scultpure is a new medium to most highschool students. while i am fully aware that using nature as a medium, and creating temporary sculptures is not new to the field of art, i still feel that it is a new media form for highschool students. this is simply because of the age we live in today. 10 years ago, a project using digital programs as a medium would have undoubtedly been a form of new media. i feel that in todays schools, a digital project would not be as "new" to the students as it was 10 years ago. this is because most highschool art students are farmiliar with photoshop, and other computer programs. ("some" being the key word). as for the students that are not as tech savy, i still feel that living in such a rich technological age, results in computer programs not being as "new" to students as we hope, therefore, reddefining the term "new media" in a high school art class setting.

in conclusion, an andy goldsworthy inspired sculpture is sureley a new media to most highschool art students. i think it is very easy to mix up the terms "new media" and "computer based arts". i am not a complete idiot, and i know that computer based art is usually called new jusy trying to think outside the box here.

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