Tuesday, May 8, 2007

final project crit.

i thought that Nick's identity project was very interesting. the way he decided to find a new media to work with was extremley origional. i think his project is a good model of an artistic concept that does not neciserilly have to have a finished piece that can be matted and put in a gallery. his project was more about that idea of identity rather than a finished piece. while i feel that the piece was backed by a strong concept, i feel that it can be taken much further. i look at both his music myspace, and alternate identity's myspace as just the bgining to a very large project. Nick seemed to be toying with the idea of a false identity. this project could either turn into a comentary on the myspace website itself, or it could be a personal statement about the artist's own identity and how he sees himself in the music, or art world.it is hard to give this piece a full critique due to the lack development. in conclusion, this project was a little empty, and could have maybe beendeveloped a bit more for the presentation. with that said, i still think that it is a great idea that should be taken much much firther in the future.

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