Monday, February 5, 2007

html crash course possible porjects

after the crash course we took on the wentworth online tutorials about html, i am not sure i would change a thing when teaching a classroom of highschool kids. i think that the way the tutorial was set up allowed the learner to understand what html actually is at a reasonable pace. if i were teaching a class on html i think that i would use the same information the tutorial had. this would include what html is, how it is written, and all the different symbols used. i think a great beginning project would be similar to the one we had in class. once the class has gone over the html basics, i would then have the students begin to construct a mock web page just like we did last week. i think the most basic way to allow students to begin to understand html would be to have them title their web page with their name, skip a line, write an "about me section", make a list of things they like to do using the html listing code, and then finally ad a picture using the html image code.

1 comment:

DrD said...

Your ideas for html are a good introduction to a beginning class.

I'm anxious to see your Throughlines about the artists we've viewed in class. I would also like to see images and/or videos related to ideas you have about ??? Use your blog to explore some ideas about new media or art or education that may not be addressed in class.

Did you play around with the html on the blog?

Also, check the blog for work you missed and assignments due.

Hope you're doing well.